

Hip Replacement


Hip Replacement Hip Replacement Surgery Hip replacement is a surgical procedure in which an orthopaedic surgeon eliminates the severely damaged hip parts and replaces them with artificial implants made from metal or plastic. Normally, hip replacement is the final treatment option for arthritis carried out under [...]

Sports Injuries


Sports Injuries Sports Injuries Sports injuries are injuries that mostly occur when you engage in different tedious sports or exercises. The main reason of sports injuries is over-training, lack of conditioning and improper use of the sport's techniques. There are some injuries that sometimes change [...]

Rehab & Physiotherapy


Rehab & Physiotherapy Rehab & Physiotherapy Physical therapy exercises can improve the ability to use parts of the body that have been affected by disease or injury. For example, arthritis is a long-term condition that causes pain and stiff joints. Physical therapy can help to keep [...]

Arthroscopy Surgery


Arthroscopy Surgery ARTHROSCOPY SURGERY Arthroscopy is a surgical procedure in which an arthroscope is inserted into a joint. Arthroscopy is a term that comes from two Greek words, arthro- meaning joint and – scope meaning to examine. Arthroscopy is performed in a hospital operating room under [...]

Nam Viverra Euismod


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam viverra euismod odio, gravida pellentesque urna varius vitae. Sed dui lorem, adipiscing in adipiscing et, interdum nec metus. Mauris ultricies, justo eu convallis placerat, felis enim ornare nisi, vitae mattis nulla ante id dui. Ut lectus purus, commodo et tincidunt vel, [...]

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